School Management

P. Karthick Krishnan
Managing Trustee
From the Managing Trustee’s Desk Education is a passion driven journey. The excellence in the teaching and learning experience is achieved by people who are internally motivated to give direction to the lives of several people. Education traditionally was not only meant to be the preparation of life, but it was supposed to be the life in itself.
It enriches, both the teacher and taught with dignity, respect, equality, love, affection and ample skills to have an enriching life.
The world of the 21st century places enormous demands on our young people and we are committed to giving them a breadth of learning and the range of skills that they will need to take their place as the leaders of tomorrow.
I, personally believe that an education system that develops the imagination of the child is richer than the one that does not. The imagination is where new ideas are created and progress becomes possible. “Imagination is more important than knowledge” because knowledge is about what we already know, whereas imagination is what moves individuals and cultures forward. Imagination leads to innovation.
I would end by the following lines by Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam:
“Learning gives creativity, creativity leads to thinking, thinking provides knowledge, and knowledge makes you great.”

Smt. Santhiya K
Jt. Managing Trustee
From the Jt. Managing Trustee’s Desk Life is a journey and it is all about learning…
A Perfect beginning, where first we believe in what we do.
Education is the basis of all progress. Its purpose is to inculcate humanitarian values, wisdom, compassion, courage and reliability in students.
Success for all students is ensured at our school by the delivery of an enriching, child centered, balanced and structured curriculum and a whole school focus on student welfare that focuses on the positive recognition of student achievements.
We truly have a fantastic school with a supportive with dedicated and highly skillful staff, excellent resources and buildings and the most fantastic students to work with. We are very sure that with the help of all the stakeholders and with their continuous support, we will be able to take our school to the next highest level of excellence.
Let us work together to make Edify World School as the best school at Ranipet, Tamil Nadu.